Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Baked Macaroni

There are certain foods that evoke good memories. There are other foods that bring back nightmares, like fish bone stuck in one's throat.
Some foods will put you off for life, and other foods will be on the menu for years to come.
I always liked dairy. Cheese, milk, yogurt, you name it, I love it. So it doesn't come as surprise that this dish is one of my all time favorites. It is really easy to make, doesn't cost much and it is delicious. No complicated sauces, endless stirring and exotic spices. Just plain old cupboard and fridge staples.

For 4 persons you will need:

400 grams macaroni
300 grams feta cheese, crumbled
4 eggs
750 ml milk
salt to taste
little oil to grease the baking dish


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
Boil the macaroni al dente according to packet instructions, drain and set aside. Lightly oil a baking dish taking care to oil the sides as well.
Put the drained macaroni and crumbled feta cheese and mix with a wooden spatula and let them bake in the oven for about 10 minutes. Whisk the eggs and milk together with little salt and pour over the macaroni.
Return to the oven and bake until golden and the milk has evaporated.
Enjoy with a glass of chilled white wine :)


  1. Odlicna varijacija na Mac'n'Cheese! Sto se mlijecnih proizvoda tice, volim sve fermentirano i kravlje. Nikada nisam bila ljubiteljica mlijeka kao takvog, ali mogu cak i njega popiti. Ovo mi se jako sviđa jer je zaista lako za napraviti, nema puno posla, a fiiiiinooooooo je!

  2. Ja bas volim sve od mleka.Najvise mi nedostaje beli sir i jogurt ovde,ali ih ponekad nadjem u Ruski supermarket.A da ne pricam o kiselom vrhnju i sve sto ima na Balkanu!
    Sto se tice recepta,ovo je mamin recept :) Kako samo smo se ja i moj brat svadjali ko da uzme zapecene makarone s vrha :) Lepa sjecanja...
    A i ima manje kalorija nego Mac'n'cheese.
