Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sweet simplicity

Why is it that only we're pressed for time, we remember to cook something tasty, healthy and very nourishing? At least, that's the case in our household...
I remember my mother having full time job, taking care of the household, doing million chores and still every single day having prepared something healthy for lunch and dinner. Fortunately, we were not very picky eaters, although I had issues with stew, my brother with meat, my dad with spinach and my mum with milk and yogurt. Still, she found the time to make something for everyone, not forgetting for a moment that healthy food was the main issue.
I was flipping trough my books and papers yesterday and completely lost track of time, so I just opened the fridge to see if I can manage something quick.
I had bought some rabbit liver few days ago, and thank goodness that it comes in teeny tiny packets of 250 grams, so it defrosted in matter of few minutes.
I won't be giving any recipes for the preparing of the same, as it was the simplest of cooking with ingredients found in almost every household.
Little white wine, some seasoning, minced garlic and voilà!
I was in mood for green veggies, so just popped them in the steamer for couple of minutes and I felt it was the best meal I had eaten in months (hunger does that to you sometimes).


  1. džigerče od zajače? Ahhh i ti li sine Brute? :)))

  2. Sve smo mi žene geniji organizacije i multi-taskinga, kako se to danas fancy zove. I onda još tamo neki nadobudni mladići piatju na intervjuu za posao majke, žene i domaćice da li su dobre u timskom radu, rješavanju problema i slično. Dođe mi da ih ošamarim i pitam: "Imaš li ti majku, ili si izrastao ispod kupusa, kada tako glupo pitaš?"

  3. Cuci,ostaj,epten mi e zal za zajkoto,ama toa se najde vo frizider.
    @Κάθαρσις: Jednom sam negde cula da ako zelis ubiti muskarca,reci mu da multi-taskira.Haha,ja se ne slazem da muskarci ne znaju kako to da rade,nego im je lakse da kazu "ne znam".A i nema zasto da rade,kad zene sve to urade.
    Mogla bi da pricam o muskim-zenskim stvarima do vecnosti i nazad,ali nije lako iskorenuti stare navike koje su naucili.Promene ima ali se jedva vide (svugda po svetu).
