I woke up with the sniffles this morning. Serves me right, went to classes yesterday, got soaked to bare skin, sat on the draught for 3 hours and after coming home, I was attempting to make dessert.
Whew... talking about woman obsessed.
I let my walking boots dry, had warm shower and what seems like bottomless cup of hot tea and after 15 minutes of rest, set to make the dessert. You see, it is second time that I am making this dessert, but unfortunately, few months ago my camera gave up on me and couldn't snap the pic.
However, this time my camera is working (yeah, the battery has been replaced and the instruction state: charge ONLY when almost empty), but my dessert doesn't look like the first time or like the original.
Why? Because I didn't follow the instructions! I was so sure that I knew what I'm doing, that I managed to make travesty of perfectly simple and delicious recipe!
It clearly states: "5. Using a spatula, fold in the cooled chocolate with the remaining half of freshly whipped cream."
But instead of cooled chocolate, I put the warm chocolate in the whipped cream and the result.... Read your instructions darling! Or you'll end up with microscopic chocolate balls mixed in the cream.
Of course, it is still perfectly edible and all, but it's not like the first time and I didn't have strawberries to decorate it. They're out of season now, so I guess I'll be waiting till mid January or February to make it again. But then, I'll make sure to follow the recipe and won't get cocky know-it-all smartypants!
Thanks everyone for stopping by and reading my rants and raves. Your comments are valued and appreciated and you can write in English, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, heck, even in Italian.
Until next time,
Love and peace to all x x x
Mislim si ja, šta ti to pokušavaš napraviti, pa odoh na link za original i pošteno se iznenadih! Eto, žao mi je što ti nije uspjelo (imam i ja puno pemaca, isto tako misleći da znam što radim) kako si zamislila. Što se jagoda tiče, možeš dekorirati i s nekim drugim voćem ili jednostavno bez voća. Kada pojedeš par šnita i popiješ koju čašicu Amaretta, baš te briga!
ReplyDeleteVidiš, ostala ti je navika iz osnovne škole da i dalje ne čitaš kako treba i poslije radiš svakakve havarije! :PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP :********************************
ReplyDeleteDobro ti je rekla Katarzis, poslije čašicu-dvije Amaretta, svejedno je kakav je dekor. Bitno da je sastav dobar, a finalni produkt, jestiv! :)
Guški-guški! :)
@Κάθαρσις:Kad sam napravila u Augustu,izgledalo je bozanstveno,ali prokleta kamera nije radila,cekala sam da je servisiraju.Znam da sam vam poslala nekih hiljadu pitanja oko pripreme.
ReplyDeleteUkus nije promenjen,ali kako sto se vidi na slici,tamni deo izgleda kao male bobice.
Nece ostati do sutra i onako :)
@ Cuci:citam jas bukva po bukva,ama me mrzese da go uklucam kompjuterot,a go nemav zapisano receptot vo kitapot.Sto znaci deka memorijata dobro me sluzi,ama ne super :P :***