Monday, June 7, 2010

Cheater's Burek

Well,I found the photos of my famous burek that my husband loves dearly.Thing is,we have reeeaalllyyyy hot and sticky summers here and my beloved husband loves to eat burek in summer.Needless to say,every time I'm making burek in summer he has to compensate it with some 'bribe' in the form of a handbag,shoes or jewelry.
This burek is really easy to make (if you have filo pastry in the freezer) and all it takes it's about an hour or so to prepare from scratch to the plate.
All you need is (love,of course!):
400-500 grams filo pastry
1/2 kilo fresh (or 250 grams frozen) spinach
150 grams feta cheese (or any white crumbly cheese)
250 ml. icy cold water
130 ml. vegetable oil (do not use olive oil for this one)
some butter for greasing the baking dish

You can use whatever filling you like: minced meat;leeks & eggs;sauerkraut;cheese,ham,mushrooms & ketchup,etc...Let your taste buds run wild :)

Prepare the filling first by sweating the spinach with few drops of oil.When cool,crumble the cheese and set aside.
Put the cooking oil in the cold water and stir vigorously so it will look like foggy emulsion.
Grease the baking dish with some butter and spread 2 sheets of filo pastry overlapping each other and sprinkle with the water/oil mixture.
Put another 2 wrinkled sheets of filo and again sprinkle little of the water/oil on each.
On the fourth sheet put some of the filling and cover it with another 2 wrinkled sheets of filo (yes...on EVERY filo sheet goes water/oil).
Repeat the procedure until you have 2 filo sheets left.The last 2 are to cover the burek and then you fold nicely the overlapping ones from the beginning.Sprinkle generously with the water/oil which have to be at its end now and bake in preheated oven 180 C for 30-40 minutes.
Note: After the first 20 minutes in the oven, you have to turn the burek on a dish or a pan and put it t bake the other side for the remaining time.
Result: Yummy and finger lickin' good!

1 comment:

  1. Ok...I'm fairly new to this and the pics doesn't seem to be in the order I wanted them to be :s
